5 Crypto Trading Apps Every Beginner Should Know

Yuri Filatov
6 min readJun 28, 2022


As of June 2022, there are more than 19.7 thousand crypto markets in the world. One of the main tools for their functioning is mobile platforms through which interaction with clients and traders takes place. Millions of people use mobile crypto trading apps because they always have smartphones at hand and can make profitable investment decisions instantly, 24/7. In addition to Coinbase, Crypto.com, and BRD, there are other functional and promising mobile platforms on the market. Let’s consider 5 such apps that help people earn money on cryptocurrency exchanges.


This automated crypto trading app connects beginners with experienced traders from all over the world via mobile and web interfaces. Operations take place through the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, and the safety of the cryptocurrency is ensured by the Trustology API. The platform is implemented according to international security standards (KYC, fraud prevention, AML, and GDPR).

Source: andersenlab.com

A user gets acquainted with the top best traders for a day, week, month, quarter, or year and subscribes to the professional they like. In the profile, the user examines the activity of the expert and the results of recent actions, tracks the transactions that this influential exchange participant conducts, and copies investment strategies. All actions and their effectiveness are shown in the user profile through charts and a dashboard.

Damgun can be configured so that it will automatically follow well-known professionals and take action according to their examples. Gradually, beginners learn from masters how to trade, invest in cryptocurrencies reasonably and earn money on a cryptocurrency exchange.

Source: andersenlab.com


Pionex does not show an “opinion leader”. But it has an equally reliable cryptocurrency trading mechanism — 16 free built-in bots. These virtual assistants operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, buying low and selling high while users drink coffee or work in the office.

A participant creates a bot, which is a programmed automated sales strategy. The bot monitors information about quotations for a foreign currency which is constantly being updated in the application. Thus, it evaluates when it is better to buy this currency and when it is worth selling. The platform supports several hundred digital assets, so the trader has a fairly wide range of earning opportunities.

Earned money is transferred to a personal account, and the amount is stored as an account balance. It can be used in case you run out of money and need to continue trading. If there is enough money, the user sends it to their digital wallet.

Every day, more than 100 million safe trades take place on the platform as FinCEN’s MSB licenses protect Pionex’s operations. Another significant advantage of the platform is the low commission for trading (0.05%).

Source: medium.com


Bitstamp is a convenient and simple tool for both beginners and experienced cryptocurrency exchange players. Through the platform, you can trade from anywhere in the world using more than 70 cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ether, USD Coin, Cardano, and so on. Earned funds can be easily withdrawn directly to a trader’s bank account.

With the help of a mobile app, a person monitors prices using a fingerprint or Face ID to log in. Starting with a small amount, the player gradually increases the investment portfolio, thereby opening up opportunities for buying a more expensive cryptocurrency. It is convenient to track the dynamics of growth and the history of actions using charts and the Tradeview function. The platform does not support trading with leverage.

Besides the built-in security options, Bitstamp offers additional ones. The application can be remotely disabled if a smartphone is lost. For a transaction to go through, the initiator needs to confirm it. These and many other measures make the platform one of the safest crypto trading apps, where 98% of the assets are protected and stored offline.

Source: bitcoinexchangeguide.com


Bybit’s mobile and web apps support derivative transactions: spot trading and trading of tokens with cryptocurrency leverage without the risk of liquidation. The functionality of the platform is built in such a way as to help beginners to understand the exchange activity, and gradually increase their capital. Thus, a user can become an experienced player in the market and get a decent passive income.

The platform displays market changes in real time so that participants can quickly assess the situation and make winning decisions. A trader can choose one of 50+ digital currencies or several ones and track their volatility 24/7. More than 5,000,000 people trade digital assets with Bybit, and this is not the limit. The app features an ultra-fast trading engine (100 TPS) and a powerful API for updates, which ensures 99.99% of the time without downtime under any load.

The application has a separate section for teaching crypto trading, where records of weekly seminars, workshops, and streams are posted. Thus, players can be more conscious about trading and learn how to earn more using all the features of the platform.

Source: capmarketcap.com


The Bisq blockchain app is primarily for peer-to-peer transactions. It is convenient to buy, sell and send currency to your friends through this platform. Registration is not required for transactions. A transaction is one-time and safe because the platform is based on a decentralized structure. This means that the interaction takes place in a P2P network of users who use Bisq on their computers.

Digital currency can be bought with fiat via AliPay, OK Pay, Zele, Perfect Money, or other cryptocurrencies. Credit cards cannot be used. This disadvantage is smoothed by the fact that the platform does not take commissions for cryptocurrency deposits. A trade can be completed in less than 10 minutes.

The platform runs on computers. To receive notifications about the status of transactions away from a PC, you need to install a mobile app and link it to the web version. The software is available for Android and iOS.

Source: bitcoinexchangeguide.com


Mobile apps are becoming a prerequisite for successful crypto trading. Digital currency is very volatile, it needs to be constantly monitored, wherever a user is: in the office, in a park, or on public transport. Carrying a laptop for these purposes is inconvenient, but it is easier to track market changes with a mobile device. Smartphones provide flexibility and the ability to control trading anytime and anywhere.

Mobile platforms create convenient conditions for playing on a cryptocurrency exchange: various fiat payment methods, trading without commissions or with low commissions, or alternative investment options. The applications listed above comply with quality and security standards and create the necessary conditions for successful crypto trading.



Yuri Filatov
Yuri Filatov

Written by Yuri Filatov

IT Expert and IT Delivery Manager at Andersen

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